Blog 6

 Hi teacher and classmates:

Today I'm going to talk about my experience learning English at university. 

Well, in my experience, I think that the English program in the university is very similar to the English program in the school.

Obviously, the university has different things, like writing blogs and we spend more hours in the class. In the school, there was only one hour of class, and we used the English’s Book to do activities. 

But, aside from that, I think that the experience is very similar, because we have to learn on the basis of listening, reading, and talking in presentations. And, obviously, because to learn an idiom we need to practice (listening, reading and talking), but until one point is just a little bit stressful.

Furthermore, I need to improve my speaking in English (and revise again the past, present and future in English).  And i think that i would learn that, if i practice the pronunciation, well, i need to speak more. 

And it’s important, because I see English everywhere, playing video games, in university papers, in social media, in the movies and series, and more. 

Despite this, I think that this semester, I learned so much in English, compared to the past years. This class was very productive and interesting, because the listening and readings are not the usual, it's very cultural and real, like the real English and not the English book (like so formal and technical).

And that is, get a great final of the semester (and week) 

Paz <3 


  1. Hello! I hope you're well.
    I agree with you, this semester I learned a lot unlike the others!


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